潘义勇    副教授
办公电话:025-85427611 职务:院党委委员、副院长
E-Mail:uoupanyg@njfu.edu.cn 研究方向:交通系统分析和网络建模、多源交通事故数据挖掘与分析、多模式交通出行行为分析、交通安全






联系地址:江苏省南京市玄武区龙蟠路159号南京林业大学汽车与交通工程学院9D413, 210037


1.     Pan, Y.(2019). Lagrangian Relaxation for the Multiple Constrained Robust Shortest Path Problem. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019.

2.     Li, G., Pan, Y., & Yang, Z., et al. (2019). Modeling Vehicle Merging Position Selection Behaviors Based on a Finite Mixture of Linear Regression Models. IEEE Access, 7: 158445-158458.

3.     Pan, Y., Chen, L., & Ding, Y.(2019). Conditional Value-at-Risk Shortest Path in Stochastic Traffic Network. Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University (Natural Science) , 38(05):102-107.( in Chinese)

4.     Pan, Y., Ding, Y., & Chen, L.(2019). Difference of Eye Movement Characteristics of Driver’s in the Environment of Scenic Area and Urban Road. Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University (Natural Science) , 38(06):84-89. ( in Chinese)

5.     Ding, Y., Ma, J., & Pan, Y.(2019). Characteristics of Eye Movements of Pedestrians Crossing with or without Signal Control. Journal of Transport Information and Safety, 37(02):40-47. ( in Chinese)

6.     Wang, N., Ge, M., & Pan, Y.(2019). Investigation and Planning of Non Motor Vehicle Parking in Urban Scenic Spots—Taking Xuanwu Lake of Nanjing as an Example. Logistics Sci-Tech, 42(11):95-100. ( in Chinese)

7.     Chen, Y., Pan, Y., Li, G., & Zhou, X.(2019). Setting Skills of Family Parameters in the Design of Scissors Stair Alumiunm Mold. Construction Science and Technology, 16:85-89. ( in Chinese)

8.     Chen, M., Ma, J., Lu, T., & Pan, Y.(2019). Visual Characteristics of Drivers for Driving Through Freeway Tunnel. Journal of Transport Information and Safety, 37(03):86-92. ( in Chinese)

9.     Chen, P., Min, Y., Cheng, Z., Zhu, Q., & Pan, Y.(2018). Design and Implementation of an Assisted Driving System for Foggy Expressway. Forest Engineering, 34(06):55-61. ( in Chinese)

10.  Pan, Y., Chen, L., & Sun, L. (2018).Constrained Reliable Shortest Path Problem in Stochastic Traffic Network. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 18(02):116-121. ( in Chinese)

11.  Pan, Y., Ma, J. (2017). The constrained shortest path problem in stochastic traffic network basedon the reliability. Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 47(06): 1263-1268. ( in Chinese)

12.  Pan, Y., Yu, T., & Ma J. (2017). Improvement of urban road impedance function based on section impedance and node impedance. Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University, 36(8): 76-81. ( in Chinese)

13.  Sheng, Y., Han, B., Lu, T., & Pan, Y.(2017). The evaluation method of construction effect of transportation specialty oriented to professional certification. Education for Chinese After-school(Theory), 27:136-138.  ( in Chinese)

14.  Pan, Y., Ma, J.(2017). Penalty Function Algorithm for Solving the Mean-Standard Deviation Shortest Path Problem in Stochastic Traffic Network. Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University(Natural Science), 36(04):97-102. ( in Chinese)

15.  Pan,Y., Ma, J., & Sun, L. (2016). Optimal path in dynamic network with random link travel times based on reliability. Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 46(02): 412-417. ( in Chinese)

16.  Pan, Y., Ma, J.(2016). Design, production and practice of micro-course teaching for engineering courses -- thoughts on participating in the second national micro-course teaching competition for college teachers. University Education, 11:97-99. ( in Chinese)

17.  Pan, Y.(2014). Study on the Optimal-Reliable Routing in Stochastic and Dynamic Traffic Network. Jiangsu: Southeast University, 2014. DOI:10.7666/d.Y2758119. ( in Chinese)

18.  Pan, Y., Sun, L. (2014). Adaptive reliable shortest path problem in stochastic traffic network. Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 44(06): 1622-1627. ( in Chinese)

19.  Sun, L., Pan, Y., & Gu, W. (2014). Data mining using regularized adaptive B‐splines regression with penalization for multi‐regime traffic stream models. Journal of advanced transportation, 48(7), 876-890.

20.  Pan, Y.(2014). Adaptive Reliable Shortest Path In Discrete Stochastic Networks. Applied mechanics and materials, 587: 1854-1857.

21.  Pan, Y., Sun, L.(2014). Classification of Optimal Routing Problems in Traffic Networks. Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information, 12(03):47-51+57. ( in Chinese)

22.  Sun, L., Pan, Y., & Gu, W. (2013). High-order thin layer method for viscoelastic wave propagation in stratified media. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 257, 65-76.

23.  Pan, Y.,Sun, L.(2013). Finding Reliable Shortest Path In Stochastic Time-Dependent Network. 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 451-460.

24.  Ge, M., Sun, L., Pan, Y., & Li, Y.(2013). Design and Implementation of Freeway Infrastructure Safety and Emergency Management System, 13th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 728-740.

25.  Pan, Y., Sun, L. (2012). Characterizing heterogeneity in vehicular traffic speed using two-step cluster analysis.Journal of Southeast University, 28(4): 480-484. ( in Chinese)

26.  Cao, W., Zhang, X., Pan, Y., & Zhang, C.(2012). Coordinate Development among Population, Land and Economy Urbanization in Developed Area:The Case of Jiangsu Province. China Population,Resources and Environment, 22(02):141-146. ( in Chinese)

27.  Pan, Y. (2008). Diagonal Second Order Quasi-Newton Method for Unconstrained Optimization. Jiangsu: Southeast University, 2008. DOI:10.7666/d.y1492960. ( in Chinese)

28.  Pan, Y. (2008). Diagonal Second Order Quasi-Newton Method for Unconstrained Optimization. Proceedings of the 9th academic exchange meeting of China operational research association, 76-80. ( in Chinese)



