[21] Du Mingyang, Li Xuefeng, Cheng Lin, Lu Weike, Li Wenxiang. Order matching optimization of the ridesplitting service: A scenario with midway stops. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2025, 194, 103936.
[20] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Liu Qiyang, Yang Jingzong. Spatial variation of ridesplitting adoption rate in Chicago. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2022, 164, 13-37.
[19] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Tang Fang. Static rebalancing optimization with considering the collection of malfunctioning bikes in free-floating bike sharing system. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 141, 102012.
[18] Du Mingyang, Li Xuefeng, Cheng Lin, Ma Jie, Kwan Mei-Po, Cheng Qixiu. Order dispatch problem of the inter-city or inter-district ridesplitting service. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2024.
[17] 杜明洋, 李雪峰, 徐家聪, 汪徽. 夜间网约车出行需求影响因素的时空异质性分析[J].吉林大学学报(工学版), 2024-11-07.
[16] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang*, Shen Yuxi, Yang Jingzong. The intention of continual use of dockless bike sharing connecting with metro: A perspective based on loyal users. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2024, 54, 101126.(通讯)
[15] Li Xuefeng, Xu Jiacong, Du Mingyang*, Liu Dong, Kwan Mei-Po. Understanding the spatiotemporal variation of ride-hailing orders under different travel distances. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2023, 32: 100581.(通讯)
[14] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang*, Kwan Mei-Po. Order dispatch optimization with considering flexible one-to-three matching strategy under hybrid ride-hailing service modes. Transportation Letters, 2022.(通讯)
[13] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang*, Zhang Yong, Yang Jingzong. Identifying the factors influencing the choice of different ride-hailing services in Shenzhen, China. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2022, 29, 53-64. (通讯)
[12] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Yang Jingzong. Acceptance of electric ride-hailing under the new policy in Shenzhen, China: Influence factors from the driver’s perspective. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 61, 102307.
[11] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Xiong Jiaying. Analyzing the acceptance of electric ridesharing by drivers with and without local registered permanent residence. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 265, 121868.
[10] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Yang Jingzong. Factors affecting the travel mode choice of the urban elderly in healthcare activity: Comparison between core area and suburban area. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 52, 101868.
[9] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang*, Yang Jingzong. Factors influencing the access duration of free-floating bike sharing as a feeder mode to the metro in Shenzhen. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 123273. (通讯)
[8] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang*, Kwan Mei-Po. Influential factors of ride-hailing usage frequency before and after the COVID-19 epidemic. Transportation Research Board 103th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, 2024.
[7] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Yang Jingzong. Investigating the spatial variation of ridesplitting adoption rate and its association with built environment and socio-economic factors in Chicago. Transportation Research Board 101th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, 2022.
[6] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Ma Jie. Factors affecting shared travel behavior in Nanjing, China- comparison between app-based third-party taxi service and free-floating bike sharing. Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, 2019.
[5] 杜明洋, 程琳, 李雪峰. 基于自适应粒子群小波网络的公共自行车出行需求预测[J]. 公路交通科技, 2019, 36(6): 94-102.
[4] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Huang Liqiang, Tu Qiang. Network optimization of conventional public transit based on urban rail transit. Proceedings of the 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2018:766–774.
[3] Ma Jie, Li Dawei, Tu Qiang, Du Mingyang, Jiang Jiehui. Finding optimal reconstruction plans for separating trucks and passenger vehicles systems at urban intersections considering environmental impacts. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 70, 102888.
[2] Li Xuefeng, Zhang Yong, Du Mingyang, Yang Jingzong. The forecasting of passenger demand under hybrid ridesharing service modes: A combined model based on WT-FCBF-LSTM. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 62, 102419.
[1] Li Xuefeng, Zhang Yong, Du Mingyang, Yang Jingzong. Social factors influencing the choice of bicycle: difference analysis among private bike, public bike sharing and free-floating bike sharing in Kunming, China. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(5): 2339.
[15] 程琳, 熊佳莹, 杜明洋, 李雪峰. 一种基于实际路网环境的网约拼车站点选址方法, CN110458309A. (发明专利,已授权)
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[12] 程琳, 张晨皓, 杜明洋, 李昭璇, 翟榕真, 李岩, 郑文, 章国梁, 雷凌云, 牟进超. 一种基于效用模型的地铁站台排队乘客的分流方法, CN113971853A.(发明专利,已授权)
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[5] 程琳, 李岩, 杜明洋. 一种基于计算图的交通出行方式选择预测方法, CN113326919A.(发明专利,已公开)
[4] 程琳, 宁翊森, 杜明洋. 基于贝叶斯模型的共享单车目的地预测方法, CN112633349A.(发明专利,已公开)
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[1] 于新莲, 张晨皓, 杜明洋, 陈景旭, 毛海军, 程琳. 一种基于马尔可夫决策和排队论的出租车路径规划方法, CN114692955A.(发明专利,已公开)
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