近五年主要项目 项目名称 | 项目经费(万元) | 项目起止年月 | 排名 | 电动重卡滑板底盘分布式驱动系统关键技术研发 | 300 | 2022.6-2026.12 | 主持 | 新能源汽车电驱动力电池热管理及成组一体化关键技术研发 | 130 | 2017.6-2020.12 | 主持 | 32位整车控制器开发技术支持 | 200 | 2019.6-2021.6 | 主持 |
2 近三年发表主要论文 论文题目 | 收录 | Zhang Y, Gao F, Zhao F. Research on Path Planning and Tracking Control of Autonomous Vehicles Based on Improved RRT* and PSO-LQR. Processes, 2023, 11(6): 1841. | SCI 4区 | Zhang Y, Liu K, Gao F, Zhao F. Research on path planning and path tracking control of autonomous vehicles based on improved APF and SMC. Sensors, 2023, 23(18): 7918 | SCI 3区 | Gao F, Zhao F, Zhang Y. Research on Yaw Stability Control Strategy for Distributed Drive Electric Trucks. Sensors, 2023, 23(16): 7222. | SCI 3区 | Gao F, Zhao F, Zhang Y. Research on Path Tracking and Yaw Stability Coordination Control Strategy for Four-Wheel Independent Drive Electric Trucks. Processes, 2023, 11(8): 2473. | SCI 4区 | Wu H, Zhang Y, Huang L, et al. Research on vehicle obstacle avoidance path planning based on APF-PSO. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2023, 237(6): 1391-1405. | SCI 4区 | Wu H, Zhang Y, Zhao F, Jiang P. Decoupling active disturbance rejection trajectory-tracking control strategy for X-by-wire chassis system. Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 14(1): 61-76. | SCI 4区 | Zhang Y, Zhou A, Zhao F, Wu H. A lightweight vehicle-pedestrian detection algorithm based on attention mechanism in traffic scenarios. Sensors, 2022, 22(21): 8480. | SCI 3区 |