[26] Du Mingyang, Li Xuefeng*, Cheng Lin, Lu Weike, Li Wenxiang. Order matching optimization of the ridesplitting service: A scenario with midway stops. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2025, 194, 103936. (通讯作者)
[25] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang, Shen Yuxi, Yang Jingzong. The intention of continual use of dockless bike sharing connecting with metro: A perspective based on loyal users. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 2024, 54: 101126.
[24] Du Mingyang, Li Xuefeng*, Cheng Lin, Ma Jie, Kwan Mei-Po, Cheng Qixiu. Order dispatch problem of the inter-city or inter-district ridesplitting service. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 2024. (通讯作者)
[23] Li Xuefeng, Xu Jiacong, Du Mingyang, Liu Dong, Kwan Mei-Po. Understanding the spatiotemporal variation of ride-hailing orders under different travel distances. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2023, 32: 100581.
[22] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang, Kwan Mei-Po. Order dispatch optimization with considering flexible one-to-three matching strategy under hybrid ride-hailing service modes. Transportation Letters-The International Journal of Transportation Research, 2023, 15(10): 1337-1353.
[21] 杜明洋, 李雪峰*, 徐家聪, 汪徽. 夜间网约车出行需求影响因素的时空异质性分析[J].吉林大学学报(工学版), 2024-11-07. (通讯作者)
[20] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang, Zhang Yong, Yang Jingzong. Identifying the factors influencing the choice of different ride-hailing services in Shenzhen, China. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2022, 29, 53-64.
[19] Du Mingyang, Li Xuefeng*, Kwan Mei-Po, Yang Jingzong, Liu Qiyang. Understanding the spatiotemporal variation of high-efficiency ride-hailing orders: A case study of Haikou, China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2022, 11(1), 42. (通讯作者)
[18] Li Xuefeng, Zhang Yong, Du Mingyang, et al. The forecasting of passenger demand under hybrid ridesharing service modes: A combined model based on WT-FCBF-LSTM. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020: 102419.
[17] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang, Yang Jingzong. Factors influencing the access duration of free-floating bike sharing as a feeder mode to the metro in Shenzhen. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020: 123273.
[16] Li Xuefeng, Zhang Yong, Du Mingyang,Yang Jingzong. Social factors influencing the choice of bicycle: Difference analysis among private bike, public bike sharing and free-floating bike sharing in Kunming, China. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(5): 2339-2348.
[15] Ouyang Pengying, Li Xuefeng*, Xu Chengcheng, et al. Safety effects of road pavement resurfacing: A case study of city-wide scale projects in China. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2020: 1-20. (通讯作者)
[14] Zhang Yong, Jing Chen, Li Xuefeng*. Exploring dispatcher's preference in electric tricycle and related policies: the case of China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 230, 835-843. (通讯作者)
[13] Li Xuefeng, Du Mingyang, Kwan Mei-Po. Influential factors of ride-hailing usage frequency before and after the COVID-19 epidemic. Transportation Research Board 103th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, 2024.
[12] Li Xuefeng, Zhang Yong, Du Mingyang et al. Identifying the factors influencing the choice of ridesharing’s different service patterns: Comparison between users with and without household vehicle in Shenzhen, China. Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, 2020.
[11] Li Xuefeng, Zhang Yong et al. Overcoming barriers to cycling: exploring influence factors of cyclists’ preference in free-floating bikesharing. Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting. Washington D.C. USA, 2018.
[10] Li Xuefeng, Zhang Yong. Study on the developmental level of environmental logistics based on AHP and FCE. Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, 2018: 1528-1534.
[9] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Liu Qiyang, Yang Jingzong. Spatial variation of ridesplitting adoption rate in Chicago. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2022, 164, 13-37.
[8] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Tang Fang. Static rebalancing optimization with considering the collection of malfunctioning bikes in free-floating bike sharing system. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2020, 141, 102012.
[7] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Yang Jingzong. Acceptance of electric ride-hailing under the new policy in Shenzhen, China: Influence Factors from the Driver’s Perspective. Sustainable Cities and Society 2020, 61, 102307.
[6] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Xiong Jiaying. Analyzing the acceptance of electric ridesharing by drivers with and without local registered permanent residence. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 265, 121868.
[5] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Yang Jingzong. Factors affecting the travel mode choice of the urban elderly in healthcare activity: comparison between core area and suburban area. Sustainable Cities and Society 2020, 52, 101868.
[4] Liu Yang, Shen Ruolan, He Mingwei, Li Xuefeng, Shi Zhuangbin. Gender differences in commuting travel mode choices among young adults: A spatial heterogeneity perspective. Journal of Transport Geography, 2025, 123, 104145.
[3] Du Mingyang, Cheng Lin, Li Xuefeng, Ma Jie. Factors affecting shared travel behavior in nanjing, china- comparison between app-based third-party taxi service and free floating bike sharing. Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, 2019.
[2] Zhang Aijia, Li Tiezhu, Li Xuefeng. Understanding the characteristics and influencing factors of trip duration of bicycle sharing system in underdeveloped cities. Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. USA, 2019.
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